Author Bios

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My name is Jensen Roll and I am a sophomore Leadership Fellow at Elon University, majoring Social Entrepreneurship and minoring in Leadership Studies. On this trip I am looking forward to being in the places I have read so much about. I am most excited to get to meet people who were involved with the Civil Rights movement on the ground level. It is often hard to believe some of the different tragedies that we study in our class have actually occurred, but meeting those who were directly connected and living in the time period will be very eye opening. In this blog I hope to document my reactions to this trip and how it has changed my perspective of servant leadership.


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My name is Doug Spencer. I am a Business Management major with minors in Leadership Studies and Professional Sales. This winter term in Disarming Injustice: Nonviolence and the Civil Rights Movement, I expect the most impactful portion of the course will be its travel component. I expect seeing monumental sites of the movement in Birmingham, Selma, Montgomery,  and Atlanta to emotionally touch me in a way reading on my own or sitting in class simply can’t. One experience in particular that I’m looking forward to is walking the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma. Imagining the tear gas and police brutality on Bloody Sunday, I can’t fathom my reaction to standing where foot soldiers and leaders showed such unforgettable bravery.



My name is Hannah Orth, and I am from Granville, OH.  I am a sophomore at Elon University majoring in English Literature with minors in Spanish and Leadership Studies.   As I embark on this Civil Rights journey, I am looking forward to honoring the great people of this movement by standing in the same places where people have been killed, beaten, and have changed the world.

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace. ” – Jimi Hendrix



My name is Cassidy Stratton. I am a sophomore at Elon University, majoring in Strategic Communications and minoring in Entrepreneurship and Leadership Studies. Although I have always been exposed to the harsh realities of the Civil Rights Movement, I found my winter term course (GST 224: Nonviolence and Civil Rights) to be extremely moving. For the final part of class we are taking a trip to Birmingham, Selma, Montgomery and Atlanta, visiting some of the places impacted by the movement the most. I hope by visiting these places I will 1. grasp the concept of a tolerant world versus an accepting one, and 2. change my perspective on life, love and hatred in a positive way, so that I can share it with others.

So with that being said, enjoy our blog!

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